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Frequently Asked Questions

Cancellation and Modifications

How do I cancel my order on Onestopstore?

You can cancel your order by directly calling on our helpline 0330-8430483. Order cannot be cancelled once it is shipped.

Can I modify my order?

You can only modify your order before it is shipped. In case you have to modify your order call us directly on our helpline 0330-8430483

Shipping, Tracking and Delivery

How much does Onestopstore charge for delivery?

We offer free delivery all over Pakistan on order value over Rs 5000, otherwise a flat rate of Rs 250 will be charged

When will Onestopstore ship my order?

All orders placed before 14:00 hrs. Pakistan time will be shipped same day. Orders placed after 14:00 hrs. will be dispatched on next working day

How can I track my order?

Tracking number along with the tracking link of the respective courier will be shared with you once your order is dispatched, you can simply track order on the provided link or else feel free to contact us on 0330-8430483

What is the delivery time?

We offer same day or next day delivery in Karachi, for orders outside Karachi, we require 3-4 working days

What courier service do you use?

We use TCS, TRAX and BYKEA. All deliveries are trackable and signed for

Do you ship outside Pakistan?

Currently we are offering delivery services in Pakistan only

Why is my order delayed?

Order can be delayed due to various reasons

Sometimes the order gets delayed due to non-availability of the product in case the product is out of stock we will inform you. You can either cancel the order or wait.

Sometime the provided address or contact number is incorrect or incomplete, therefore all customers are advised to always provide complete address details and active contact numbers

Returns and

What is Onestopstore’s Return and Replacement Policy?

Product can be returned or exchanged in following cases:
1. Product is different from what was mentioned 2. Defective or damaged product received
For more details, please visit our warranty policy

Can I return product if I don’t like it?

You can only return product if it is faulty

How long does it take to process returns and replacement?

Returns and replacements are processed within 5-7 working days

Why is my claim request declined?

- No Unpacking videos
- Issue reported after 4 days
- Claim is not valid

Payment Methods

We offer variety of payment methods that include cash on delivery (COD), Bank Transfer, Easy Paisa and Jazz Cash. For online payment details kindly contact us on 0330-8430483
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